Our People

Dr Danny Burkle
Principal Engineer
Areas of expertise:
Corrosion in oil and gas, carbon capture and storage, and geothermal systems; HPHT Corrosion; Corrosion management; Material selection and optimisation; Corrosion inhibition; In situ measurements and Surface analysis; Pressure systems and Pressure containment.
LBBC Baskerville
Beechwood Street, Stanningley
Leeds, LS28 6PT, UK -
Danny has a Masters and PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Leeds. He has 6 years’ experience in corrosion research and has been involved in a team lead by Professor Anne Neville who leads very successful research activity in oilfield corrosion. Since graduating from his PhD, Danny has led a team at LBBC Baskerville in developing a unique range of premium corrosion testing autoclaves to suit many industries such as: Oil and Gas, CCS, Geothermal, Chemical, Nuclear, Energy, Pharmaceutical and many more. Danny still has strong links and relationships at the University of Leeds and is involved in a number of projects related to oil field corrosion in the form of supervision of PhD and MSc students. Danny is also a professional member of the institute of Corrosion and also Vice Chairs their Young Members division. The ultimate goal of Danny’s work at LBBC Baskerville is to build a globally recognised and established business with a product range of corrosion testing autoclaves that will help improve testing standards and results/reproducibility in a laboratory environment.
Business Growth and Product Development
MEng, PhD
Professional Memberships:
- Institute of Corrosion
- National Association of Corrosion Engineers
- Institute of Mechanical Engineers
Other Roles:
- Vice Chair of Young ICorr (Institute of Corrosion)
- Lecturer of the University of Leeds Short Course in “Oilfield Corrosion Science and Engineering”
Areas of Research:Danny’s areas of research focuses on understanding, predicting, mitigating and managing corrosion. Specific areas of research interests within the field of oil and gas include corrosion science and corrosion engineering, electrochemistry and corrosion product formation, particularly in the context of asset integrity in CO2 and H2S environments.
Published Journal Papers:
R. Barker, I. Al Shaaili, R.A. De Motte, D. Burkle, T. Charpentier, S.M. Vargas, A. Neville, “Iron carbonate formation kinetics onto corroding and pre-filmed carbon steel surfaces in carbon dioxide corrosion environments”, Applied Surface Science, Volume 469, 2019, Pages 135-145, ISSN 0169-4332, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2018.10.238.
Richard Barker, Daniel Burkle, Thibaut Charpentier, Harvey Thompson, Anne Neville, “A review of iron carbonate (FeCO3) formation in the oil and gas industry”, Corrosion Science, Volume 142, 2018, Pages 312-341, ISSN 0010-938X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2018.07.021.
R.A. De Motte, R. Barker, D. Burkle, S.M. Vargas, A. Neville, “The early stages of FeCO3 scale formation kinetics in CO2 corrosion”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Volume 216, 2018, Pages 102-111, ISSN 0254-0584, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchemphys.2018.04.077.
D. Burkle, R. De Motte, W. Taleb, A. Kleppe, T. Comyn, S.M. Vargas, A. Neville, R. Barker, “In situ SR-XRD study of FeCO3 precipitation kinetics onto carbon steel in CO2-containing environments: The influence of brine pH”, Electrochimica Acta, Volume 255, 2017, Pages 127-144, ISSN 0013-4686, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2017.09.138.
D. Burkle, R. De Motte, W. Taleb, A. Kleppe, T. Comyn, S.M. Vargas, A. Neville, R. Barker, “Development of an electrochemically integrated SR-GIXRD flow cell to study FeCO3 formation kinetics”, Review of Scientific Instrument, Volume 87, 2016, 105125, https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4965971.