LBBC Baskerville’s, Product Development/Research Engineer, Dr Danny Burkle has presented his PhD research findings in conjunction with Richard Barker and Anne Neville from University of Leeds and Rehan De Motte from IFP Energies nouvelle in France at the Eurocorr 2017 conference in Prague, Czech Republic. The presentation was on Monday 4th covering ‘Investigation into the kinetics and composition of the protective layer formed during ‘pseudo passivation’ of carbon steel: An in situ and ex situ approach’.
The European Corrosion Congress 2017, 20th International Corrosion Congress & Process Safety Congress 2017 is being held in Prague, Czech Republic and runs from 3rd to 7th September 2017.
The annual conference of the European Federation of Corrosion, EUROCORR, is a flagship event in the field of European corrosion science. Uniquely in 2017, it is co-organised by the International Corrosion Council and Center for Chemical Process Safety becoming thus the largest scientific corrosion event ever held in Europe.
The Congress will cover all aspects of corrosion science and engineering and material protection with world-wide reach. Main topics include the advances in corrosion prevention, corrosion monitoring, corrosion resistant materials, surface treatment and coatings, inspection and non-destructive testing, electrochemical methods, analytical techniques and microscopy, corrosion inhibitors and others.
With expected attendance of 1500 delegates, the Congress will be a unique networking opportunity for scientists, academics, students and representatives of research institutions and industry in a vibrant professional setting and atmosphere. The scientific programme will consist of plenary lectures by world-renowned corrosion specialists, over 20 pointed keynote lectures and about 800 oral presentations. Fifteen parallel sessions on a variety of topics will offer corrosionists from all over the world the opportunity to meet and present their research.